Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I used to be someone who took pictures.

I've realized today that if I want to be a photographer I've got to start carrying my camera with me wherever I go.

Many times throughout the day I see things as they could be photographs, but in order to make them pictures, I have to have the tool to do that with. I really should take my camera out of the bag more often.

This is what Sampson thinks of my blogging efforts so far. I can't say I disagree w/ him. This picture was taken w/ my phone to further illustrate the poor efforts I've exerted to my hobby (revisited).

Monday, January 4, 2010

post 3&4

Raul getting his ear drained. Nasty stuff, but that's
what happens when you log in hours of rolling
without ear protection.

If you look close you can see
the puss and blood in the syringe. I think Shane
filled 3 or 4 of these things in the end.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Well, this is day two consecutively, and I'm steady on my way to being an expert blogger!
Hello world.

new york, 2009

Friday, January 1, 2010

blog #1 01/01/10

Happy New Year!

Anyone reading this, thanks for checking it out.

I will try to keep up with this on a weekly basis at the very least, posting photographs that I take throughout the year.

My beautiful girlfriend asked me if I had any resolutions. There weren't any that stuck and we both decided that we are always improving and growing but that resolutions saved for the first of the year was not enough.

By dedicating a promised time taking and posting pictures to this site, I will be doing myself a great service as well as letting family, friends and total strangers into my world of pictures.

Hope you enjoy some of the things I do visually. Please leave a message here if you want, I will be here often.

My goal is to post photos here and to have a timeline to see what I can dedicate to this artistically.

Thanks for reading!


(sampson, miles, 11/26/09)